Addressing Operational & Facility Needs in
While the Chisholm Public Schools deliver an excellent educational experience to our students, we face a number of operational and facility challenges that we must address soon. Over the past three years, we have been engaged in a community-driven process to examine these needs and find potential solutions. This process has been led by our Community Task Force.
What are our operational needs?
The Chisholm Public Schools currently has an operating levy in place that is set to expire in 2024. The district has used these funds for a variety of purposes, including equipment and supplies, teacher and staff salaries, co-curricular programs, and student technology.

Without a replacement levy, the district would lose about $200,000 per year in funding. This would lead to a reduction of programs and services for students.
What are our facility needs?
Vaughan Steffensrud School, Chisholm Elementary, and Chisholm High School each have pressing facility and deferred maintenance needs that require the attention of our entire community.
Our Facility Needs​
Year Built: 1958
Grades Served: PreK-3
Est. Deferred Maintenance: $7 million
Key Facility Needs:
Ventilation & temperature control issues
Lack of dehumidification
Gym doubles as cafeteria
Undersized kitchen & storage areas
Basement flooding
Flooring needs replacement
Lack of developed field space

Year Built: 1913
Grades Served: 4-6
Est. Deferred Maintenance: $18 million
Key Facility Needs:
More secure entrance
Kitchen & cafeteria is undersized and also serves the high school
Safety concerns with parent pick-up/drop-off on city street
Students must cross street to access playground
Limited ventilation systems & lack of dehumidification
Plumbing systems & building envelope need upgrades
Year Built: 1924
Grades Served: 7-12
Est. Deferred Maintenance: $17.5 million
Key Facility Needs:
Needed improvements to plumbing systems, building envelope, boiler system, temperature control & flooring/windows in classrooms
No dedicated kitchen/cafeteria
No adjacent field space for athletics, activities & phys ed
Swimming/diving pool too small/shallow for competitions; filtration system needs upgrades

CPS has far more deferred maintenance needs than Long Term Facilities Maintenance Revenue (LTFMR) funds available. The district receives $300,000 of LTFMR annually—and $200,000 is committed to current bonded facility projects. This leaves only about $100,000 per year until 2039. The district has already spent more than $100,000 on emergency repairs alone in the past year.
The Process

Proposed Solution
The Chisholm School Board is considering both an operating levy question and a bond referendum question for the November 8, 2022 ballot.

If the bond referendum is approved, the district would borrow $32M to close both Chisholm Elementary and the Vaughan and add a new Elementary to the existing High School. Major needs at the High School would also be addressed. For the owner of a $100,000 home, the estimated tax impact would be $306/year. There’s no tax rate increase for the operating levy as the district would renew at the current amount.

When communities support an operating levy, they provide a school district general funds to use for teachers’ salaries, textbooks, co-curricular programs, transportation, computers, utilities, and general operations.

A bond referendum provides a district with funds to make improvements to facilities and building infrastructure. For example, bonds can be used for major construction, such as renovation, building an addition, building new schools, or general building projects.
If approved, the referendum would allow the district to move forward on the following at the existing high school site:
Addition for early childhood through 6th grade students
Separate bus/parent drop-off
New outdoor play area/green space
New kitchen and commons
New competition gym with lockers
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades
Replacement of all remaining windows
Steam to hot water conversion and controls upgrades (including new boilers)
Refurbishment of auditorium seats
Gutter replacements
Exterior wall repairs/tuck pointing
Roof replacements
Waterproofing of electrical vault