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District Strategic Planning

The Chisholm Public Schools has engaged in a comprehensive strategic planning process, covering both the academic and financial aspects of the school district's operations. Below you will find links to our Academic Strategic Plan and Financial Strategic Plan, along with the progress we have made in meeting the goals outlined in these plans. ​

Chisholm Academic Strategic Plan.png
Chisholm Financial Strategic Plan.png
Chisholm Academic Financial Achievements.png

ISD 695 Academic Vision


The Chisholm Bluestreaks’ academic vision is…to foster our students’ voices, choices and experiences with innovative, active and flexible learning opportunities to enhance their lives and community.

ISD 695 Financial Vision


To achieve and sustain financial health to attract and retain students, quality staff, and improve our facilities while offering robust programming, extracurricular activities and strengthening partnerships within our community.

Chisholm Public Schools  |  300 SW Third Avenue  |  Chisholm, MN 55719  |  District Website

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